Animal Health

Hawthorne Venice Turpentine

Equine Venice Turpentine to harden and toughen soles

Riva's Remedies Vitamin B12 245g

An important nutrient for colon health, liver support, healthy nervous function, mental wellness and energy.

Riva's Remedies Iron-Up 300g

Essential nutrition for anemia, energy, mental wellness and immunity

Riva's Remedies Hoof Plus +

Use on all hoof conditions: thrush, fungus, abscesses, wounds, hoof cracks, white line, soft frogs and /or infections

Riva's Remedies Riva's Herbal Skin Oil

Made for all skin conditions: rashes, hives, open wounds, injuries, growths, abscesses, scratches and everything in between

Riva's Remedies Tissue- Aid 60 mL

Remedy for oral use to be used for wounds, infections and discharges

Riva's Remedies Enviro-Ease (Allerg-Ease) 60ml

A liquid homeopathic formula to help neutralize inhalant allergies

3.8L Fiebings Hoof Dressing

Refill hoof dressing for corns, quarter cracks, split hooves and brittleness

Scalpel Handle

Used to hold scalpel blades.

Calf Claim

Calf Claim is a flavored lick for cattle used on orphan and newborn calves of first-calf heifers.

Chill Ultra

Calming and Focus for Mind and Muscle

Equine AntiFlam, 1L

Supports sound feet and joints

Mane 'n Tail Mineral Ice

Cool, fast, temporary relief of minor aches and pains


Muscle, Joint and Ligament Formula

Equine Lung Flush, 1L

Supports normal lung function

Quilted Leg wraps (set of 4)

12" leg wraps, manufactured by Mustang

Farnam Roll on Fly Repellent

Roll on fly protection for sensitive areas such as around your horses face, head and wounds.

Riva's Remedies Flower Power 500g

Flower Power is excellent for scratches/mud fever & sweet itch

Para-X, 1L

Intestinal Cleansing Formula

Riva's Remedies Neuro-Aid 60ml

Promotes healthy function of the nervous system in horses with viral symptoms and /or adverse reactions to vaccines

Riva's Remedies Chaste Berry Tincture 120ml

Supports the healthy function of the pituitary gland, hormone production and to promote normal metabolism

Bag Balm

Bag Balm First Aid is uniquely formulated to help heal, cuts, burns, scrapes, or other skin abrasions.