Purina Feed

Purina Optimal 25kg

Equilibrium Optimal is a low calorie, low sugar/starch, nutrient dense pellet with elevated protein. It is ideal for easy keepers, who only require a ration balancer.

Purina Pur-Athlete 20kg

An extruded high fat supplement derived from vegetable & flaxseed (source of Omega 3) and contains blood building nutrients (copper, cobalt, folic acid, Vitamin B12).

Purina Equilibrium Equilizer 25 kg

Equilibrium Equilizer is a low calorie, low sugar/starch, nutrient dense pellet with elevated minerals and vitamins, containing up to 5 times the vitamin-mineral content of most feeds.

Purina Xcel HD 20kg

Feed for equine athletes and hard keepers

Purina Equilibrium Trimax 20kg

Equilibrium Trimax is a high caloric, low glycemic, multi-particle feed for equine athletes and hard-keepers.