Vitamins & Minerals

Basic Kelp 3kg

KELP is a natural balanced multi-vitamin supplement.

Basics Equine Nutrition Basic Regenerex Plus 5kg

MSM, Glucosamine, Calcium and Magnesium, Boswellia Extract, Manganese, Grape Seed Extract 95% and Hyaluronic Acid 99%.

Basic Thiamine(Vitamin B1) 2kg

THIAMINE (VITAMIN B-1) plays a key role in the body’s metabolic cycle for generating energy, aids in the digestion of carbohydrates and is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart.

Basic Vitamin E

VITAMIN E enhances muscle tone and endurance in working horses and also improves circulation.

Equine Super Diet

Equine Super Diet is an equine vitamin and mineral supplement. Make sure your horses have what they need with Equine Super Diet.

Riva's Remedies Happy Horse 1kg

Rich in organic minerals, vitamins, fibre and anti-oxidants. Provides over 60 trace minerals and/or vitamins

KER Nano-E 450ml

Vitamin E antioxidant for horses

Masterfeeds 30% VTM Supplement 20kg

Masterfeeds 30% Supplement is a concentrated option for horse owners looking to feed protein, minerals and vitamins in a small package.