Animal Health

Basic Thiamine(Vitamin B1) 2kg

THIAMINE (VITAMIN B-1) plays a key role in the body’s metabolic cycle for generating energy, aids in the digestion of carbohydrates and is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles and heart.

Furazone Dressing

A topical, odorless, anti-bacterial ointment for cuts and wounds

Basic Lysine 1kg

Essential amino acid to support normal growth rate.

DVL Poul-Vite

This is a water soluble vitamin powder containing biotin.

McCauleys Rice Bran Oil

Our Rice Bran Oil is cold filtered for maximum purity, human grade quality
and is excellent source of mono and poly unsaturated fats, Vitamin E, and
Gamma oryzanol. Rice Bran Oil is highly palatable and will improve body
condition, muscle tone and hair

Doktor Doom No Bite Tree and Plant Protector

Stops wild & domestic animals from chewing, nibbling, licking, gnawing, eating or biting plants, trees and shrubs

DMSO Gel 4oz

DMSO used topically for reducing inflammation associated with strained muscles and soft tissue injuries

Strongid P Paste

All Albertan residents will need to provide a PID number (Premise Identification Number) in order to purchase/ Ship out dewormer.

Glass Thermometer

Heavy duty 5" veterinary thermometer with ring top and pocket clip. Thermometer is easy to read.

Bimectin Injectable

All Albertan residents will need to provide a PID number (Premise Identification Number) in order to purchase/ship out.