Livestock Health

1L Glycerin

Our Vegetable Glycerin is derived entirely from vegetable oil and is pure.

2kg Copper Sulfate

Copper sulfate is a fungicide used to control bacterial and fungal diseases of fruit, vegetable, nut and field crops.


An antitussive liquid used to aid in the relief of coughs associated with minor upper respiratory tract problems or mild bronchial irritations in dogs and horses.

300g DVL Electrovite

A fortified, water-soluble, electrolyte and vitamin formula for use in livestock under stress conditions.

Calf Claim

Calf Claim is a flavored lick for cattle used on orphan and newborn calves of first-calf heifers.

D- Horn Paste Squeeze 85gm

As its name suggests, D-HORN paste is indicated to prevent horn growth and remove horn buttons on calves.

DVL Bloat-Eze 340ml

DVL Bloat-Eze bloat treatment and laxative is effective as an aid in the treatment of frothy bloat in cattle, sheep and goats.