Shampoos and Sprays

Pharmaka Sungard - 250 ml

The perfect UV protection for your horse!

Miracle Coat Leave In Conditioner/Lusteriser, 354 ml

Leave-in, water-based formulation for after-shampoo conditioning.

Miracle Coat Waterless Shampoo, 354 ml

Ideal for quick touch-ups or times when bathing with water is not practical.

Mane 'N Tail Spray 'N Braid, 16oz

Spray-on Professional Grooming Grip for tighter braids, neater banding and easier mane training.

Bioptec Equishin 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioner, 1L

health of the skin, coat, hair and mane

Ecolicious Squeaky Green & Clean WATERLESS, 472ml

When the weather doesn’t permit, you don’t have time for a bath or if a nasty stain made its unwelcome appearance, bring on the waterless version of our wildly popular Green & Squeaky Clean Deep Cleansing & Conditioning Shampoo.