Riva's Remedies

Riva's Remedies Calm & Cool (Dog and Cat)

A herbal blend that is formulated for animals that have experienced prolonged periods of anxiety and nervousness

Riva's Remedies Vitamin B12 245g

An important nutrient for colon health, liver support, healthy nervous function, mental wellness and energy.

Riva's Remedies Iron-Up 300g

Essential nutrition for anemia, energy, mental wellness and immunity

Riva's Remedies Hoof Plus +

Use on all hoof conditions: thrush, fungus, abscesses, wounds, hoof cracks, white line, soft frogs and /or infections

Riva's Remedies Enviro-Ease (Allerg-Ease) 60ml

A liquid homeopathic formula to help neutralize inhalant allergies

Riva's Remedies Flower Power 500g

Flower Power is excellent for scratches/mud fever & sweet itch

Riva's Remedies Neuro-Aid 60ml

Promotes healthy function of the nervous system in horses with viral symptoms and /or adverse reactions to vaccines

Riva's Remedies Chaste Berry Tincture 120ml

Supports the healthy function of the pituitary gland, hormone production and to promote normal metabolism

Riva's Remedies Folic Acid 100g

Important nutrient for protein digestion, hormones, mental wellness and a healthy immune system

Riva's Remedies Equi-Cleanse 1kg

A herbal blend formulated to support and promote healthy liver function.

Riva's Remedies 100g Arnica Rub

A soothing external rub for sore muscles, bruising, swellings and soft tissue injuries.

Riva's Remedies Summer Tincture 120ml

Herbal Blend combined with Vitamin C promotes optimum immunity, supports healthy skin and maintains resistance to insects