Riva's Remedies

Riva's Remedies Joint Clear (Dog and Cat)

Herbal blend for all dogs with visible signs of pain and discomfort from arthritis, hip dyplasia or an injury

Riva's Remedies Happy Pets Senior

Happy Pets Senior is specifically formulated to support your dog through the golden years. It is the most natural, plant-based choice on the market for a mineral and vitamin supplement

Riva's Remedies Happy Pets

Plant based vitamin and mineral supplement, helps resolve dry skin, hair loss and weak claws

Riva's Remedies Calm & Cool (Dog and Cat)

A herbal blend that is formulated for animals that have experienced prolonged periods of anxiety and nervousness

Riva's Remedies Vitamin B12 245g

An important nutrient for colon health, liver support, healthy nervous function, mental wellness and energy.

Riva's Remedies Riva's Selenium 200g

A nutrient for normal muscle function, liver health, hoof structure and the immune system

Riva's Remedies Riva's Potassium 100g

Potassium is an important nutrient for muscle function, electrolytes, pH, kidney health and digestive function

Riva's Remedies Iron-Up 300g

Essential nutrition for anemia, energy, mental wellness and immunity

Riva's Remedies Hoof Plus +

Use on all hoof conditions: thrush, fungus, abscesses, wounds, hoof cracks, white line, soft frogs and /or infections

Riva's Remedies Riva's Herbal Skin Oil

Made for all skin conditions: rashes, hives, open wounds, injuries, growths, abscesses, scratches and everything in between

Riva's Remedies Tissue- Aid 60 mL

Remedy for oral use to be used for wounds, infections and discharges

Riva's Remedies Enviro-Ease (Allerg-Ease) 60ml

A liquid homeopathic formula to help neutralize inhalant allergies